Book Quote #5: The Monster's Daughter
They will come for you...
Book Quote #4: The Monster's Daughter
A timeless darkness is all THEY ever had, until her...
The Monster's Daughter Teaser #2
If you are not careful...THEY...will find you...
The Monster's Daughter Preorder Trailer
She had been telling the world that the monsters were not to be feared. No one listened....
Book Quote #3: The Monster's Daughter
The King of Monsters cannot be defeated. Their power is everlasting...
Book Quote #2: The Monster's Daughter
Lord Kaa serves the darkness. He knows what will happen if the woman isn't found. They will destroy everything...
Book Quote #1: The Monster's Daughter
Willa is a child of darkness. The worlds want her for their own selfish reasons. Can she escape? Or is she doomed to the darkness that is around her...
The Monster's Daughter Cover Reveal Trailer
The Monster's Daughter Cover Reveal Trailer dropped on social media 09/02/2021. The book is set to be released October 5th, 2021.
The Monster's Daughter Teaser #1
The Monster's Daughter Teaser Trailer dropped on social media Summer 2021. A hint on what is to come. The book is set to be released October 5th, 2021.