Thank you for coming out to see me at Getting Witchy With It 2024!!
Horror Anthology for Charity
I am honored to be part of this Horror Football Themed Anthology. Proceeds from this anthology will be going to the Concussion Legacy Foundation, to help protect the players of this great sport and their futures.
Including stories about slashers, the paranormal, and creatures, the Gridiron Gates of Hell showcases some of indie horror’s top talents as they tackle a range of macabre tales from endzone to endzone.
A Spell With Death
Fans of murder-mystery dinner parties and Clue will love this gripping Salem Witch Trials-inspired tale.
The cover has been revealed!
10/10/2023 is the date the Where's Death Story comes to light!
Imaginarium Convention 2023
This weekend the Imaginarium Convention will begin! I am so excited to be a part of it!
If any of you are in Louisville, KY, please stop by!

Guardian is live!
Hadwin doesn't know what to do in this life. He was built for war. Without it, he feels helpless. Now that an Angel has appeared, his boredom is replaced with irritation.
Who is Ezekial?
Guardian, Book Four of the Seven Generals Series is now available on Amazon, KDP, and Barnes & Noble.
Coming Soon
Hadwin doesn’t know how to move on. While his siblings have their families and a purpose, all he has is endless nightmares . . . and an annoying Angel. The man appeared one day and never left him alone.
He’s everywhere.
Hadwin doesn’t need a friend . . . or a stalker.
Ezekiel can’t leave Hadwin alone. A Guardian Angel must protect their Assigned. This duty is written in the very stars from which the Guardians are created. It isn’t easy. The general always finds ways to make himself invisible. It has now become a game. If Hadwin is close, Ezekiel can watch over him and protect him from the danger that lingers in the very waves that created this world.
Can Ezekiel and Hadwin survive the storm?
Author S.G. Blinn Receives 1st Place in Short Story Contest
The challenge was cast. Write a 7-page story outside your genre. The title is Charlie Myer. The genre is Contemporary Romance. A life unfolded. A story was written. I am thankful for the opportunity to be amongst very talents creators.

Shadow Kiss Teaser
The Succubus hunt the Hellion Generals. She is hot on Kelby's trail. The question becomes, will he let her catch him?

Happy Holidays
I hope you and yours have a wonderful Holiday Season.
I have a few plans for 2023. A few more stories for the Seven Generals and a new time period for Where's Death!
Stay tuned!

Limited Time
Three days only!
Rebellion, Seven Generals Series Book One, is free on Kindle!

Limited Time!
December is a time or surprises! Free Ebooks, Giveaways, and a teaser to a Novella Release! ❤️

Happy October
It is my favorite time of the year! The air is getting cooler, the leaves are changing, and the spooky is out in full force!
It doesn't help that I live in Massachusetts. . . Halloween usually means a trip to Salem.

AWAOA Writing Retreat
I have landed in Nashville, Tennesse! I had the privilege of attending the AWAOA Pop-up Writing Retreat. This experienced brings a continuing education in writing, marketing, publication, and networking. It is also a time for good friends to get together that live all over the country.
I was able to see my dear friend, Kefentse Booth!

Comic Con Adventures!
I had a blast at Springfield Comic Con! Thank you everyone who came out and supported me. I met so many of you and other creators that wanted to share their vision with the world. I cannot wait to go back in 2023!

Ash and Nova's feud has a story!
Every wonder what happened between Ash and Nova? In Rebellion, the two hold a lifelong grudge that no one seemed to understand. That story is now almost here!!

Meet the Author!
It is Comic Con season! Come and see me at Springfield Comic Con on July 23rd, 2022 from 10 to 4 at the Mass Mutual Center in Springfield, MA.
I can't wait to see you all!!!
Happy Summer
Summer is here! Do you know what that means?
Books! Books! Books!
Starting in July, I will not only be releasing the second Seven Generals book...
I will also be at Springfield, Mass Comicon!!
Details for both coming soon...
So be ready!

AWAOA June 2022
Book Club
Featured Author
I am beyond excited to announce I have been chosen to be the featured author for AWAOA's Book Club!!
My award winning novel, A Drink With Death, will be featured for the month of June!!
I cannot wait to hear what everyone has to say!!
Rebellion is Live!
Seven Generals Series Book One is live! Rebellion tells the story of a battle between worlds. A battle between families. A battle that can only be won by those who refuse to accept this world cannot change. Forbidden relationships. A characters development from enemy to hero. A will to survive when the world works against you.
A foundation that creates a need to find yourself and learn to trust those around you.
Can one woman create a big enough ripple to bring together a ground of misfits that can change the world?
Want to know more?

Lets Get Lit 2022 Conference
I am beyond excited to have met so many talented and inspiriting people. This years Lets Get Lit conference was a success. I was selected as the AWAOA Book Cover and the AWAOA Spirit Award 2022 winner. Thank you to all those who made these achievements possible. I cannot wait to go again next year!

Night of Elegance Book Signing Event
Tonight was a success! Thank you to everyone who came out and supported me. I got to meet many of you face to face for the first time. Thank you for your ongoing support and love. It was a night to remember.

Camp NaNoWriMo
It is that time again! Camp NaNoWriMo April 2022 has started! I will be working on my second novel in the Seven Generals Series. What happened to the first? In a few weeks the world will have their first glimpse of what is to come!

Night of Elegance Book Signing
Come see me at my first book signing on April 29th, 2022! It will be at the Genesys Banquet and Conference Center in Grand Blanc, MI. It is going to be so much fun! I cannot wait to see you all there!
A New Year
We are in a new year. I will make no false promises to myself or to others, this year is going to be a challenge. I have four books planned to be released, but everything is uncertain. What I can say is this...I will be honest with myself. I will not allow my job, my family, or my life burn me out or bring me down.
I will be true to myself, and true to you.
The first in my historical fiction series 'A Drink With Death' was released on 01/25/2022. This book is a stand alone within the series, but all will have the same premise. Death is hiding in history, when the story unfolds, hints will be placed so you, the reader, will be able to guess who Death is.
Each book in this series will be placed in another time in history. You do not need to start with book one; each book is its own game but Death will make hints on what is to come, one that people have enjoyed guessing.
December Challenge
November has taught me an important lesson; writing under pressure can be fun! I am going to try and complete my second novel in one month! No...not from the beginning, but the final touches before publication; final edits, formatting and promotions.
Let the holiday season begin!

It is National Novel Writing Month! I have decided to participate with a Contemporary Romance/Suspense Thriller. I've created a page to document my progress!
This will be fun!

Thank You!
I just wanted to thank everyone for the wonderful release of my debut novel, "The Monster's Daughter". You have all been extremely supportive throughout this entire process. Thank you!
I am currently working on my second stand alone novel. It falls under the mystery genre with a fantasy twist.
Want to learn more?
Keep your eyes

The Monster's Daughter is Live!
October 5th, 2021 marks the day my debut novel was born into this world. I am so thankful for everyone who not only helped me get here but also shown support at what I created. I could not have done this without all of you. Thank you!!!

11 Days
I cannot believe in 11 days The Monster's Daughter will be released. It is a dream come true. I cannot thank my family and editor Sarah Hawkins enough for all they have done for me. Be ready, the monster's are almost here!
Cover Reveal
Here is the long awaited cover for The Monster's Daughter.
Have you reserved your copy yet?

Five Weeks!
We are now five weeks away from the release of The Monster's Daughter. Mark your calendars for October 5th, 2021.
The final steps have been taken.
Ebook and Paperback are coming soon!
Are you following me on social media?
On September 5th 2021, the cover reveal will be released! Do not miss this epic release and spooky fun during the 30 day countdown to release day.
The Monster's Daughter
The Monster's Daughter is my debut novel. I wrote this story many years ago and had it tucked away in a journal with no intention of publishing it. What changed my mind? I have always considered myself a writer but never took that needed step to get a story published. After COVID-19 put the world on lock down, I took that as a sign to buckle down and make my dream a reality. Currently the book is available for preorder and in the hands of my editor for the final read through, proofread and finishing touches to made its grand appearance into the world.